Nina Bridges - Lessons Learned and Records Set: My Unforgettable Journey on the Colorado Trail

Meet Nina Bridges who set theΒ women's supported record on the Colorado Trail. Discover what she learned on her adventure!

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Compression Myths Debunked

Compression: The ever elusive, mysterious, complicated beast. Well, that's not really the truth. Compression can be confusing, with the numerous companies and myths out there mudding up the facts. Don't...

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Balancing Work, Family, and Training: β€―Is it Possible?

As a high performance athlete with several commitments outside of athletics, I always get asked, β€œHow do you do balance everything so well?” I make it a point to always...

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4 Tips for Staying Healthy While Social Distancing

Keeping your immune system strong is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself healthy. Maintaining a healthy immune system is proven to reduce the risk...

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How Compression Apparel Helps You Recover Faster

How well you recover from a workout or competition has a lot to do with the clothing you wear during it.Β  Compression apparel is effective at minimizing soreness after exercise...

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How Compression Gear Is Effective at Injury Prevention

Padding, braces, and tape are all commonly used to help athletes ward off injuries. But one item that often goes overlooked as it relates to injury prevention is compression apparel.Β ...

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8 Ways CEP Compression Helps You Play Better Golf

You might think the loose clothing you wear to the golf course is beneficial because it helps free up your body to swing without restriction. But when it comes to...

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How CEP Compression Socks Complete Your Workout

You always make sure to wear a proper pair of shoes and suitable workout clothes to the gym. But you’ve likely never given a second thought about your socks.Β Β  If...

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