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All About CEP's Outdoor Merino Socks
Are you a hiker? Mountaineer? Trail runner? If you’re an athlete who digs deep or if you’re just simply passionate about the outdoors, we’ve got the socks to keep you...

The Ultimate Runner’s High Giveaway: Win a Trip to the Transrockies Run in Colorado!
Now through Thursday, May 24th, CEP is partnering with Goodr and some other awesome brands for a giveaway! Winner gets a trip to the Transrockies Run in Colorado (free hotel,...

Gifts for Mom
Moms deserve the best, so this Mother's Day, get her high-tech, high-quality compression gear from CEP! Athletic moms already know about the performance enhancing power of true compression from CEP,...

Feature Friday: Jake Littlehouse
Jake Littlehouse's story "Nice to meet you, to meet you nice! I’m Jake, who originates from a small town called Stockport, situated in Manchester, England." I first experienced the...

Feature Friday: Carrie Birth
Carrie Birth's story Everybody has a story, they are the best part of the Olympics, right? Learning about the lives, routines, and quirks of the athletes! I started to write...

Janna Mitsos's story "I told myself I would focus, give everything I had on the track and leave it out there one last time before starting my life in dental...

RUNSTOPPABLE: MOBILITY IMPAIRED TEAM TRAINS FOR THE 2018 DISNEY MARATHON JILL SCHUMACHER'S STORY “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney...

MARIA CABAÑAS's Story "I’ve been running marathons for 2 years now, and CEP has been with me every step of the way." When I first started running, I did...